Meshbottles - Plastic-free Water Bottles

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How To Take The Plastic Free July Challenge

Thousands of people from over 70 countries have accepted the Plastic Free July challenge, have you? Plastic Free July aims to raise awareness of the amount of single-use disposable plastic in our lives and challenges people to do something about it.

This challenge is very simple and easy to participate in. All you have to do is attempt to refuse single-use plastic during the month of July. Single-use includes plastic shopping bags, plastic bottles and plastic cups, plastic straws…basically anything made from plastic that is intended to be used just once and then thrown away. Given the amount of single-use plastic we encounter every day, it can be difficult to refuse single-use plastic but you can consciously make an effort to cut down if not cut out your consumption of the main contributors to plastic pollution (plastic bags, plastic bottles, and plastic straws) during July and beyond.

Visit the Plastic Free July website where you can sign up for the challenge and find all the resources you need to get involved with this great environmental initiative. Take the pledge and you will receive a weekly email during July with tips and ideas to help you on your journey. Be sure to check their Toolbox for a treasure-trove of plastic-free living tips along with useful tools you can use to participate. In addition, you can follow the Plastic Free July social profiles to join in with others all across the globe.

Obviously we here at Meshbottles have cut out single-use plastic water bottles from our daily lives with our plastic-free glass water bottle. We’d like to make it a bit easier for you as well as your family and friends to do the same so be sure to sign up to be notified when the Meshbottle is available, they are coming very soon. Remember that even if you go plastic-free for just one day, your contribution to reduce your single-use plastic does have an impact. Together we CAN make a difference!